Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 in total

We Interrupt this Program

A short episode to announce a big change in the future of the podcast.

Ant-man and the Wasp - w/ Debbie O'Brien

We're joined this time by Debbie O'Brien, Head Developer Advocate at Bit, Github Star, Google Developer Expert, Microsoft MVP, and much more. We talk about starting ...

The Incredibles - w/ Sam Julien

We're joined this time by Sam Julien, professional gate-opener, managing DevRel at Auth0, instructor at egghead, and author of the Developer Microskills newsletter. W...

X-Ray Vision - w/ Amelia Wattenberger

We're talking dataviz this time with Amelia Wattenberger, a Staff Engineer at Github Next and Author of the Fullstack D3 and Data Visualization course & book.

Fortress of Solitude - w/ Maggie Appleton

Welcome, Citizens of the Globe, to the Frontend Heroes podcast.  Our show is available to watch on Youtube as well as in audio form!  Check it out here: https://www.yo...

Agents of A.N.G.U.L.A.R - w/ Brandon Roberts

Join us for a talk with Brandon Roberts, web dev, Developer Advocate at Nrwl, and a maintainer of NgRx. We touch on working in open source, what it takes to be an emp...

Cyclops's Visor - w/ Shaundai Person

We're joined by Shaundai Person this time, UI Engineer at Salesloft and an instructor at Egghead

Build Your Own Superpowers - w/ Jason Lengstorf

We're joined by Jason Lengstorf this time, VP of Developer Experience at Netlify and host of LearnWithJason.dev

The Bizzarro DOM - w/ Cassie Evans

In this episode we are joined by Cassie Evans, Lead bestower of animation superpowers at Greensock, speaker, educator, and SVG Magician.

Professor X - w/ Ryan Burgess

In this episode we are joined by Ryan Burgess, Engineering Manager at Netflix, and host of the engineering podcast Frontend Happy Hour. We talked about what it's like...

The Danger Room - w/ Stephanie Eckles

In this episode we are joined by Stephanie Eckles, author of ModernCSS.dev, Egghead instructor, and creator of styleStage.dev. She joined us to talk about how to star...

C.S.S.F.T.W. - w/ Ahmad Shadeed

In this episode we are joined by Ahmad Shadeed, an independent product designer and frontend developer from Palestine, and author of the book Debugging CSS. He joined...

Performance Returns - w/ Nolan Lawson

In this episode we are joined by Nolan Lawson, a Frontend Engineer and web performance expert. He joined us to talk about his blog article JavaScript Performance Beyo...

A Bit Like Cerebro - w/ Shirley Wu

In this episode we are joined by Shirley Wu, award winning creative and co-author of the book Data Sketches. We skim the surface of data visualisation and creativity ...

Here's the Plan - w/ Sarah Dayan

In this episode we are joined by Sarah Dayan, a Staff Software Engineer at Algolia. We discuss how to approach adoption of new tools such as utility-first CSS, test d...

The Daily Planet - w/ Chris Sev

This time around, we are joined by Chris Sevilleja, founder of Scotch.io and Dev Advocate at Digital Ocean. We discuss the overlaps between content production, writin...

The League of Extraordinary Developers - w/ Natalia Venditto

This time around, we are joined by Natalia Venditto, a talented FE Solution Architect. We discuss how she was brought into the Google Developer Expert (GDE) program, ...

Frontend Begins

In this episode we kick off a new year and discuss what's in store for the future of the front end with two new guests!

Great Responsibility

In this episode we discuss web performance, core vitals, and more with our latest guest!

An Everyday Hero

In this episode we discuss reactivity, Svelte, and how sometimes it's ok to do things the easy way with our latest guest!

Mask, Gloves, and Cape

In this episode we discuss the tools and ticks we use on the frontend related to visual styling and CSS.

Mild Mannered Alter-Ego

In this episode, we discuss work-life balance, avoiding burnout, and how to switch off when you need to.

Twelve Monkeys, But With Batman

In this episode (with an obscure reference in the title), we discuss asynchronous programming, diving into another area that frontenders need to understand: Time.

Backend Villains

Frontend and Backend are two sides of the same coin, right? Not necessarily! Join us as we discuss the overlap between the two, with special guests from the world of...

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet

As Frontend Heroes, one of our super-powers is making websites run fast, aka Performance. In this episode we talk through our own experiences with Web Performance, co...

Where Do They Get Those Wonderful Toys?

Like any self-made hero, we all have a utility-belt with special tools we reach for. In this episode we discuss those tools, covering things like ResizeObserver, Sass...

Remote Control Heroes

In this episode, we discuss not only working remotely (a necessity in these strange times), but also the ways in which we frontenders build the web remotely.

Heroes in Training

In this episode, we discuss how we handle leadership within the frontend, working with those that are new to coding, and the edge cases that arise of working with peop...

To Framework, or not to Framework

In our first podcast, we discuss a bit of our own backgrounds with using frameworks, and whether or not they are the right fit for any and all situations.