C.S.S.F.T.W. - w/ Ahmad Shadeed

In this episode we are joined by Ahmad Shadeed, an independent product designer and frontend developer from Palestine, and author of the book Debugging CSS. He joined us to talk about CSS itself, and how he's able to so consistently break down the complexities of the language on his blog and in his book. We touch a bit on container queries, css custom properties, and more.
Welcome, Citizens of the Globe, to the Frontend Heroes podcast.  Our show is now available to watch on Youtube as well as in audio form!  Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnHOQaJkM-ckTkoN8sGLbhQ

In this episode we are joined by Ahmad Shadeed, an independent product designer and frontend developer from Palestine, and author of the book Debugging CSS.  He joined us to talk about CSS itself, and how he's able to so consistently break down the complexities of the language on his blog and in his book.  We touch a bit on container queries, css custom properties, and more.

Guests: Ahmad Shadeed ( https://twitter.com/shadeed9 )

Articles Mentioned:

True Hero: Bramus Van Damme ( https://twitter.com/bramus )

Musical Picks:
Scott - Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde
Ahmad - Podcast: The Laracasts Snippet
Evan - Podcast: I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats